Let's have a little fun!
I don’t know about you, but I love the lists of unusual questions you often find in psychology and self-help magazines. I always feel like I’m finally learning about WHO I AM by answering them. And yet, in my experience, you need to keep redoing the exercise, because the eternal question WHO AM I? is elusive.
With no disrespect to those serious questionnaires, I thought it would be fun this morning to compose an eclectic list of questions whose sole purpose is to stimulate our thinking. What do you say? Note the answers in your head. You’ll find my answers at the end.
1- The one word that describes you.
2- A bad habit you want to break.
3- The most valuable thing you own.
4- Your best quality.
5- What makes you angry?
6- Who do you love the most in the world?
7- If you could perform one miracle, what would it be?
8- The bravest thing you’ve ever done.
9- If you were to write your biography, what title would you give it?
10- What is your most cherished childhood memory?
11- If you had to choose between love or wealth, what would you choose?
12- If you could have chosen your first name, what would it be?
13- A terrible moment in your life.
14- What would you do if you won 2 million dollars in a lottery?
15- Your biggest regret.
16- A gift you would really like to receive.
17- A desire you have not yet fulfilled.
18- Where will you go on your next trip?
19- If you could be reincarnated, who would you be?
20- Are you happy with the life you lead?
Of course you know that I would love nothing more than to be your best friend. We would sit together on a park bench and spend time laughing or crying as we compared our answers. There are no right or wrong answers. There is only life, that trollop who spends her time chasing after Luck.
When I used to organize girls’ nights at my place, I would place a bowl full of random questions that we’d take turns answering while enjoying dessert and coffee. We were always laughing, sometimes at the answers and sometimes at my friends’ recurring remark comparing me to the famous Janette Bertrand who wrote the popular Avec un grand A, a French Canadian TV series that explored romance and relationships.
My answers:
1- Courageous
2- Drinking too much coffee
3- A talent for writing
4- Generous
5- Stupidity
6- My children
7- Ending poverty
8- Leaving a horrible marriage
9- From darkness to sunshine
10- Time spent with my grandfather
11- Love
12- Cora
13- When my son was kidnapped
14- I’d give it to the poor
15- Making a poor choice in love
16- A soulmate
17- Being in love
18- Iceland
19- Margaret Atwood
20- Yes, a lot